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Milk is a healthy food nutrition, but sometimes is not advisable to keep taking it just because is teasty and sweet. We have different types of milk. Natural and artificially or chemically made milk. I will advise you know your self better before falling in Love with milk as your breakfast or as a smoothie drink. THIS IS OUR WHATSAPP PAGE

Let me give you a piece of advice about consuming milk. Milk is rich in nutrition and protein, but it has" not less than kg13" Of fat in 100g of milk. Which is very bad idea for someone who want to loose weight or maintain your weight. Consuming milk can add to your shapeless weights that your already trying to reduce. So I will advise you minimize the way you frequently take milk. Though if your interested in adding some weight and fat, consuming milk is the best remedy to increase your weight and fat. Apart from milk, we have other food that can add weight. Such as fried meat, fried foods, anything eatables that you fried can add weight. If you like to eat meat or chicken, fish, etc. And in other words" you don't want to add some weight, the best idea is to cook it instead of fry. The reason why we don't advise fried food or meats, is that, when you fry a particular food or meat, you probably retain the contents of that particular thing and at the same time added oil on it which is not good for our body. The best is either you stem it or cook it. Thank you.
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